COROS COACHES : Entraînements structurés et précision de l’effort

Chez COROS, nous cherchons en permanence à améliorer ton expérience en tant qu’utilisateur et à faciliter ton parcours d’entraînement grâce à des mesures et des graphiques faciles à comprendre. C’est pourquoi nous nous plongeons dans la Précision d’effort lors d’entraînements structurés de notre système EvoLab ! Qu’est-ce que la Précision de l’effort ? La PrécisionContinueContinue reading “COROS COACHES : Entraînements structurés et précision de l’effort”

COROS COACHES: Welcome to The Training Hub

Here at COROS, we are continuously seeking new ways to help you achieve your goals through a safe, optimized, and entirely individualized training journey. For us, it all starts with the Training Hub- our desktop platform designed to help you understand your past, analyze your present, and create your future through EvoLab, our integrated sportsContinueContinue reading “COROS COACHES: Welcome to The Training Hub”

COROS COACHES: Structured Workouts and Effort Accuracy

At COROS, we are continuously looking to improve your experience as a user as well as facilitate your training journey through easy-to-understand metrics and graphs. This is why we would like to dive into our Effort Accuracy during structured workouts as part of EvoLab! What is Effort Accuracy? Effort Accuracy measures how accurately a structuredContinueContinue reading “COROS COACHES: Structured Workouts and Effort Accuracy”

Une médaillée d’or Olympique en tennis bat son RP de 42 minutes à Boston !

Monica Rakitt (anciennement Puig) a attrapé le virus du marathon. Médaillée d’or en tennis aux Jeux de 2016, Monica a dû prendre sa retraite prématurément en raison d’une blessure à l’épaule. S’appuyant désormais sur sa nature compétitive, elle cherche de nouvelles façons de repousser ses limites. Monica en a trouvé une à travers la courseContinueContinue reading “Une médaillée d’or Olympique en tennis bat son RP de 42 minutes à Boston !”

Más que parciales: La medallista de oro de tenis mejora su marca en Boston en 42 minutos.

A Monica Rakitt (de soltera Puig) le ha picado el gusanillo de la maratón. Tenista ganadora de la medalla de oro en los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016, Monica tuvo que retirarse antes de tiempo debido a una lesión en el hombro. Ahora, apoyándose en su naturaleza competitiva y buscando nuevas formas de superar sus límites,ContinueContinue reading “Más que parciales: La medallista de oro de tenis mejora su marca en Boston en 42 minutos.”

More Than Splits: Tennis Gold Medalist PR’s at Boston by 42 Minutes!

Monica Rakitt (formally Puig) has caught the marathon bug. A gold medalist in tennis from the 2016 games, Monica had to retire early from tennis due to a shoulder injury. Now relying on her competitive nature and looking for new ways to push her limits, Monica has found the sport of running. With the goalContinueContinue reading “More Than Splits: Tennis Gold Medalist PR’s at Boston by 42 Minutes!”

COROS COACHES: Track Workouts

As part of our new COROS Coaches service, we received a few questions regarding how to best implement track workouts and their value in a training schedule. Below you will find our coaching insights on the matter as well as some new track workouts! If you would like your own training questions answered, send usContinueContinue reading “COROS COACHES: Track Workouts”

COROS Coaches: Your Personal Training Support

All athletes have questions. Never let access to a coach be a barrier again! What Is COROS Coaches Coaching support for all COROS users Receive personal feedback based on your COROS data 1-on-1 focus regarding your training/racing needs Credentialed Coaches with over 25 years of combined experience Types of Questions When athletes have questions, theyContinueContinue reading “COROS Coaches: Your Personal Training Support”