Analyzing Kilian Jornet’s Data to Help You Improve!

Different races require different pacing strategies. Even at the highest level of the sport. While world-class athletes are the fittest humans on earth, they still must play by the same physiological rules as the rest of us! During 2022, Kilian Jornet has raced successfully from 3 hours all the way up to 22 hours. HowContinueContinue reading “Analyzing Kilian Jornet’s Data to Help You Improve!”

Ultra Running Guide: Your Steps to Success

Perhaps you’ve run a few half-marathons. You’ve possibly run a couple marathons. You’ve caught the running bug and are looking to run further. What is next? How do you go about longer runs? Let us guide you on all things needed for a successful transition to ultra running. Whether you’re targeting a 50k, 100 miler,ContinueContinue reading “Ultra Running Guide: Your Steps to Success”